OCIM becomes a member of the Swiss Better Gold Association
As a key player in the gold value chain, OCIM is joining the association to provide a bridge to the Swiss market for artisanal miners, improve practices and enable Swiss manufacturers to benefit from responsible sourcing.
The Swiss Better Gold Association was created in 2013 with the aim of improving the living conditions of artisanal and small-scale miners (ASGMs) and establishing more responsible, traceable and sustainable supply chains. In doing so, this not-for-profit organisation facilitates artisanal miners’ access to the Swiss market and enables the country’s manufacturers to benefit from duly accredited sources of supply offering full transparency.
The Swiss Better Gold Association is also a partner of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) via the Swiss Better Gold Initiative for Artisanal Small-Scale Mining (ASM). This initiative directly supports ASGM producers in improving their technical, organisational, social and environmental practices. At the same time, the organisation engages in dialogue with the governments of producer countries to bring ASGM sector practices closer into line with Swiss market requirements. Finally, environmental and social improvements are promoted locally by the Better Gold Fund (BGF) through direct and on-the-ground action.
Now a member of the Swiss Better Gold Association alongside prestigious brands, renowned manufacturers, service providers and other financial players, OCIM intends to play an active role in improving practices, formalising artisanal miners and ensuring the traceability of gold supplies to the Swiss market. In financing mining operators and acquiring metal under what are known as prepayment financing agreements, the company is a critical player in the gold value chain, positioned midway between producers and end markets.
For more information, visit https://www.swissbettergoldassociation.ch/