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19 December 2024

OCIM continues its commitment to regenerating the Amazon rainforest in Peru with the Tarapoto project

This second operation led by Reforest’Action alongside local players aims to facilitate natural regeneration and safeguard the biodiversity of local forest ecosystems, while contributing to the economic development of the Amazon region.

The Taropoto programme was born out of an observation: originally covered by tropical forests and wetlands, the Upper Amazon region is suffering from a massive deforestation process. This is due to the rapid expansion of agricultural programmes to grow coffee, cocoa, bananas and manioc, as well as the construction of road infrastructure and illegal logging. The resulting loss of natural ecosystems in turn leads to changes in the rainy season and prolonged droughts, which primarily affect the Shawi, Awajun and Quechua ethnic groups. It was to reverse this trend that the Taropoto programme was initiated by Reforest’Action in 2015 in three regions in north-eastern Peru (San Martín, Loreto and Ucayali). The project initially focused on developing agroforestry before looking more specifically at naturally regenerating native species so as to restore and conserve the Amazon rainforest. It was to support this new phase that OCIM decided to become involved alongside Reforest’action in this key programme for the Peruvian Amazon rainforest.

From plant production to monitoring alongside local communities

The Tarapoto project is supported by the Urku Centre, which has been developing Amazon biodiversity and raising awareness in local communities since 2004. Made up of a multi-disciplinary team combining traditional and scientific knowledge of Amazonian biodiversity and culture, this organisation is responsible for the production of seedlings in several nurseries, as well as the logistics of the plantations carried out with funds from Reforest’Action. The Centre’s team supplies the seedlings to the farmers, who then plant them on their own land or directly in the Amazon rainforest, using their ancestral knowledge of species combinations. The good health and monitoring of the planted trees are then ensured alongside the local cooperatives.

The programme has two complementary objectives, starting with the natural regeneration of the Amazon. The Urku Centre is working with the Shiwa people to combat deforestation and restore degraded ecosystems in order to discourage farming families from damaging the forest through their conventional farming practices. Beneficiaries are made aware of the importance of the forest cover and supported in protecting their plots, particularly through preventive measures against pests and fires. A wide variety of endemic species are protected thanks to this promotion of natural regeneration, contributing to the conservation of the Amazon’s plant biodiversity and the preservation of endangered animal species. The Urku Centre’s activities also include the rescue, rehabilitation and reintegration of wild animals captured for the illegal trade. Since 2006, more than a thousand animals belonging to 61 different species have been rescued thanks to these actions.

The second objective is to develop sustainable economic alternatives. To convince producers of the

economic benefits of preserving the forest cover, the Urku Centre is raising awareness and encouraging local people to develop long-term income-generating activities and to revitalise the ancestral skills of the Peruvian Amazon by capitalising on the ecosystem services provided by the trees. A number of initiatives have already been launched to this end, including the development of beekeeping, the sale of lemons from agroforestry, the manufacture of cosmetics based on essential oils and the production of chocolate and cocoa distillate.

A project with a multidimensional impact

The scale of the Tarapoto programme will generate impacts on four levels.

Climate impact: the natural regeneration of the Amazon rainforest increases and/or preserves the carbon storage capacity of the above-ground and underground biomass.

Biodiversity impact: the natural regeneration of patches of forest helps to develop the plant and animal biodiversity that has been eroded in the Upper Amazon. In particular, butterflies, monkeys, frogs and turtles will once again find shelter in these ecosystems, while micro-organisms, flora and fauna will help to restore an ecological network in the Amazon region.

Impact on the climate, soil and water: The trees planted restore soil fertility and prevent erosion. They protect the land from extreme weather events, retain rainwater on the surface of the soil and filter it before it enters the water table. Forest cover also regulates the water cycle and helps to preserve the planet’s water resources.

Community impact: the trees recovered enable the beneficiary families to harvest the fruit, thereby improving their food security or obtaining additional income through the development of sustainable economic activities.

Three sustainable development objectives

These impacts enable the Taropoto programme to contribute directly to achieving three of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations to achieve a better, more sustainable future for all.

SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production): the project supports the indigenous communities of the Shiwa ethnic group in implementing economic activities that respect the Amazon rainforest.

SDG 13 (measures to combat climate change): the natural regeneration of the Amazon enables the development and/or preservation of carbon sinks and CO2 sequestration, helping to mitigate climate change on a local and global scale.

SDG 25 (terrestrial life): the enhancement of animal and plant species endemic to the Amazon promotes the development of biodiversity as well as an increase in the soil fauna (soil biodiversity) and soil micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, etc.).



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